Is a Buck or a Doe a better fit for you?
While Bucks and Does both make great pets, there are some key differences between the two that should be taken into consideration before adopting. Doing research before getting any pet is incredibly important, but something a lot of people don't realize about Fancy Mice is how different Males and Females are!
Buck or Doe?
Male (buck) vs Female (doe)
For someone who wants a pet they can handle very regularly, I find that a Buck is typically the best way to go. Bucks tend to bond very closely to their owners, and soak up every bit of attention they can get. The biggest thing I always warn people about when they are considering adopting a male, is they have a very strong, distinct odor. They scent mark to attract females, and while I personally don't mind the smell, some people can't stand it. All mice are social animals, however male mice must be housed alone due to aggression with other male mice, unless they are neutered, then they could be housed with females. Being social animals, they can get quite bored easily and must be provided with plenty of activities and enrichment. They tend to be needier in terms of enrichment and interaction.
Does have a very soft, gentle energy to them, and enjoy group activities like playpen time and regular interaction with their people. It is incredibly important that female mice be housed together, as they are very social animals. If you work long hours or can't hold your mouse everyday, it may be a better idea to get a group of does, because they can entertain and interact with each other. They have a pretty subtle smell to them, and regular spot cleaning and weekly cage cleanings will prevent the smell from building up.